Data Model

For our company’s data model, we used games, guests, midway, powercards, and winner’s circle as our table names. Each one of these tables represents an important part of retrieving and processing vital data to our business. These can be referred to as primary keys of the data process model. Primary Keys have two main elements. One is that they must have unique information for each row (Kronke, 2015). The second element is that the key cannot contain null information because as you will learn later, the key can not be related to any other data (Kronke, 2015). In addition, each primary key has cardinality, which is the number or amount of elements in a specific table. All of our primary keys have three elements to their table.
The primary key “games” simply represents the games that are at our business’s arcade. For each game in the arcade there is specific arrival date set. The “midway” refers to the gaming area itself excluded from the rest of the restaurant and bar. Here, there is a direct one to many relationship between the “midway games ID” in the primary key games and the “midway games ID” in the primary key midway. Next, there is a relationship between the powercard primary key and the guest primary key. The powercard is a purchased card by the guest that allows them to put money on, in order to play games. “Field1” is can be referred to as the powercard number that matches with the guest number ID. This relationship is solely a one to one relationship. Our last relationship consists of the prizes ID number and the prizes ID number in the winner’s circle primary key table. This relationship is also a one to one relationship.
Due to the organization of this fundamental part of our data process model, our employees can easily find exact information that they are looking for within this data set. Inputting data and extracting data from these tables is also very simple and the database itself is very accessible for the user.

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